Friday, August 31, 2012

The Forever Girl WORD SEARCH

WORDS ARE Birthday
The Forever Girl


September Giveaway!!!!

Hey Sassy Readers! Since September is tomorrow, I was thinking maybe a giveaway would be fun! Anyone want to guess the prize? Its a signed bookmark!!!! Guess who it's signed by?!?!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GIVEAWAY!!! For E-book Copy

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Hey guys!! I added a chatbox for you to chat about bookz BUT NO INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR PLEAAASEE!!!

GIVEAWAY (Ending Soon)

Hey Sassy Readers!! My Giveaway for a 5 Dollar Gift Card to Zazzle ends soon! HURRY in!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sasha Summer Goodies!

Hey Book Loverz! I am uploading some awesome Sasha Summers Goodies!  Here they are!
On the top is the signature-
       On top is the book '' Medusa, A Love Story''
- On the book is a ''Hollywood Ever After Pin''
On the bottom Left is a ''Hollywood Ever After Magnet''
On the left is a ''Hollywood Ever After Bookmark'' 
Oh and if your wondering what the paper is, it's about the book. Like a summary!
Well I will be telling you how the book goes! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

FREE BOOK -Firefight in Darkness (The Dryad Quartet) [Kindle Edition]

Hey everyone! I have a FREE book for you! Its called Firefight in Darkness (The Dryad Quartet) and its Kindle Edition. This book is by Katie Jennings and is the second book in the series! Buy it now!!! Only FREE today! Copy and paste link!


Anyone up for a free book?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey guys! So I don't think I told you but on August 15th I ordered a kindle, and today IT CAME!!! I am so happy! :) WILL be sharing pictures! I Have A BUNCH of books!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rebecca Hamilton Giveaway!!!

Hey guys!! So a very good author friend of mine ( I don't know what to call it) ~Rebecca Hamilton~ is having a giveaway!!! Its pretty unique!!! FIRST 50 TO ENTER WIN A BOTTLECAP NECKLACE!!! HURRY. Link is here

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Interview with E.K Henry!!

Whoo Hoo!!! One of my favorite authors is someone I get to interview! AMAZING!!!

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author? · I have always had an interest for writing. I wrote poetry growing up. I first started writing fiction on May 5, 2010. I finished one book by the end of 2010 and one novella by early 2011, and trunked them. For those of you who don’t know, that means I threw it in a desk, never to see the light of day again. I finished Freak by mid 2011. · After Freak was written, edited multiple times, and sent to many beta readers, I spent months trying to find a literary agent. I had quite a few that told me they loved Freak, but that they couldn’t sell it at the current time. Publisher’s weren’t really buying vampire books anymore, even though there was still a huge audience for the genre. I was devastated for a long time. I kept thinking, “How could someone love my book and still not take me on as a client?” · After much consideration and encouragement from people who’ve read Freak, I decided to self-publish it. This in its self presented its own set of challenges. · I am glad that I made the choice though because it has been an amazing experience so far. I have had so many people purchase my book and then contact to tell me that they enjoyed reading it. To me, that is the best feeling in the world.

Q2. When was your first book released? · May 2012

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written? · I do have more books that I have written, but they have not been published. Since writing Freak I have been working on several novellas and a sequel to Freak.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write? · I did but not as much as I loved to read. When I was younger, I loved writing poetry, but it wasn’t until a fews ago that I started writing fiction.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books? · Before I ever start writing a book, I like to jot down all of my ideas and then build an outline. Sometimes I follow the outline pretty well, other times my characters take the story into their own hands and take a different direction than I had planned. · I don’t have a set ritual when it comes to writing. Sometimes, I listen to music. Sometimes I drink coffee to get my muse to surface. I am not strict on my ritual, but I do prefer to write outdoors.

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book? · Well, the first draft took me about ½ a year to write. Editing and revisions took about another ½ a year.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger? · I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many books I’ve read. I did like to read when I was younger. I used to read just about anything I could get my hands on. Stephen King was my idol growing up.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that gives you inspiration? · I have to say Stephen King has always been my inspiration. I have spent more hours than I can count lost in his twisted tales. I’d love to do a remake of Misery one day · Another author who has influenced me and actually inspired me to write a book was Stephenie Meyer. What influenced me was that she was just a normal person who woke up with a dream and decided to pursue it. I’m not saying that she’s the only author who did this, but I discovered this about her at a point in my life when it made a big impact. I was trying to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. When I read an interview she did, it got me thinking. If she could do it, why can’t I. I sat down that night and started writing. I haven’t stopped since. I owe her so much for influencing me in such a big way.

Q9. Do you write everyday? · I always make an attempt to. It might just be 200 words during my lunch break, but those 200 words add up.

Q10. How did you get your book published? Freak is self published. See question #1 for details on why I went this route. Thanks so much!!! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Twitter Party!!

WHOO HOO!!! I'm having a twitter party and YOUR invited!!! Click it to RSVP and find out who to follow!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Badge to show I celebrate authors!!


Interview with John.D.Ayers!!

So I am interviewing author John.D.Ayers and here we go! Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?  I started writing when I was young, at about 14 years old.  I was a voracious reader and started writing short stories when I was a kid.    In college I wrote and published story stories and articles for magazines.   I have a life bucket list (created well before the movie came out J )…  on it was ‘write a novel’    So, about 4 years ago I decided to sit down and do it.   Wrote my first novel and enjoyed it so much I started a second one right away.   Finished that one and then slightly switched genres.    I have published a book each year for the past three years and have already started the fourth one.  It’s a wonderful hobby.   

Q2. When was your first book released?  June 2010.

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?  I have a paranormal mystery based in Greece that is half written that I will probably go back to sometime in the future.  I have 40% of my new Darcy novel written already.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?   I loved to write when I was younger.   Loved to read anything I could get my hands on.  Was always at the library.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?  No…I just start writing..  I have a basic idea but don’t flesh out the story in full.   Things just come to me as I’m writing.   About halfway through the book I realize how it’s going to end. 

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?  My first two books each took a year to write.  My third novel took my 4 months.  J  Guess I’m getting better at it. J

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?   I read about a book per week.  All authors, all genres.   Love to read..  It’s a perfect escape.    I’ve been reading constantly since I was like 12.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?  There are so many.   Sharon Lathan, John Grisham, and tons of others.

Q9. Do you write everyday?  No… sadly, I still have a day job..  I write for fun.. sometimes every day, and sometimes weeks go by without writing a word.

Q10. How did you get your book published?   Online at first at  Now I use   Also direct to amazon kdp and pubit for B&N.

Nice chatting with you!!! I will post your book review up soon!

Interview With Regina Pucket!!!

I had an interview with Regina Pucket and here I go!

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?

I didn’t get serious about writing until 1975. At that time I was a stay at home mom and it seemed like a great time to try my hand at writing my first romance.  My first novel wasn’t published until 2006.

Q2. When was your first book released?

Concealed in my Heart was released on March 13, 2006.

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?

I have five published sweet romances, five short horror stories, 2 children’s picture books and two short inspirational stories.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?

I didn’t get into writing until the seventh grade.  Back then I was fearless so I tried writing a little bit of everything.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?

I write a cheat sheet for character names, appearances and a little back story for each person.  I discovered early on if I didn’t do this I would have to go through the entire manuscript to find an eye color or someone’s name.

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book? 

It just depends if I get writer’s block in the middle of writing the story.  If things go well, it usually takes me around three to four months to finish a full length novel.  My last romance took me two years because I kept getting stuck around chapter six.  I had to redo it from the beginning six times.  It only takes me a couple of weeks to do a short story.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?

I can’t remember a time I didn’t love to read.  I have no idea how many books I have read over the years.  I obsessed with reading so if I fall in love with the characters I can’t put it down until I know how it’s going to end.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?

I never know where my next inspiration is coming from.  Anything can set me to thinking, what if?

Q9. Do you write every day?

I don’t write every day.  I never want writing to become a chore or something I have to do.  There are too many other things in my life that fall into that category. A writer shouldn’t dread getting up in the morning and thinking they have to write today.

Q10. How did you get your book published?

My first books I submitted and submitted until I finally found a publisher willing to give me a chance.  This year I decided to take charge of my own destiny and go Indie.  I’m enjoying the freedom of making all of the major decisions for myself. It’s a little frightening to know my success or failure rests squarely on my own shoulders, but I guess in a way it always did.

Well it was nice having you and I LOVE your books! Even if they are short!!  :)

If you want to know more about her, click on these links!

Interview With Lauren-Baratz-Logsted

Well right now I have Lauren-Baratz-Logsted here with me and our little interview is starting!!! Here we go!!!

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?

I started writing seriously, in the hopes of completing a novel, in 1994 when I left my day job of 11 years as an independent bookseller.

Q2. When was your first book released?
In 2003, The Thin Pink Line, a dark comedy for adults about a woman who fakes an entire pregnancy, was published.

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?
My 25 book was published today. I've written for adults, teens and young children, in almost every genre imaginable.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?
Yes. I first got the idea that I might have some talent when, at the age of 12, a teacher fell in love with one of my stories and made my eighth grade class listen to it read three days running.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?
No. I have no one process that I repeat from book to book. If the book takes place in a previous time period, like the Victorian suspense novel The Twin's Daughter, I may do some research in advance or I may do it as I go along. Sometimes I outline; sometimes I don't. Basically, each time I write a book, unless it's part of a series I'm reinventing my wheel again.

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?
It depends on the book. Bigger novels like The Twin's Daughter took months. One book in The Sisters 8 series for young readers, approximately 120 pages long, took just four days for the first draft.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?
I come from a family of big readers so I've always read a lot. I couldn't begin to count how many books in my lifetime but a tpical year would be 100-250. One New Year's Eve, I resolved to read 365 books the next year and I did.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?
My daughter. She's always been proud of what I do for a living. She's 2 now and I hope when she's fully grown, she's still proud.

Q9. Do you write everyday?
It used to be, if I was working on a novel, I'd write every single day until it was completed. Now I'm more likely to write just Monday to Friday, but that's from 7am to 4pm each day, so I'm not a total slacker yet.

Q10. How did you get your book published?
I would actually need to write a whole book to answer that question! The short version: It took me nearly eight years, seven novels written, and several agents before I sold my debut novel on my own as part of a two-book deal. Since, as stated above, I've had 25 books published to date, I like to think the wait was worth it.

Well it was REALLY nice having you here Lauren!! Read her  book called... ''Me,In Between'' 

Sarah Dessen Book- Lock and Key!!

My sister has literally 10 of these books by Sarah Dessen!! I asked for one so I could review it and she gave me Sarah Dessen's book called ''Lock and Key!'' Can't wait to read it!!!

If Love Was Enough- REVIEW- By Regina Pucket

                                                                                                             Color Coded: Light Green= Beginning
Pink= Rate
Light Blue= Sumarry
Green= Final Verdict
Dark Blue= THE Final Verdict

So yesterday I spoke to Regina Pucket and she let me read her 2 books which is a sequel to one another. So first I read ''If Love Was Enough'' and I rate it...... 4.5/5 stars!!! I really did like it, no matter how short it was! I've gotten confused along the way but understood  it some again! I suggest you don't want to read on  ahead if you want to read the book...... 

It's about a girl, she's pregnant with a baby boy but then her husband died and she feels as if it's her fault because he died of a roadside bomb and she convinced him to join the Army. It was a really sweet book!! Can't wait to read the next book!!! Which is called ''Balloon Wishes''!!!
Final Verdict:: It is a GREAT read for YA but be warned since it is a bit sad.  :) Happy Reading!

Regina Pucket:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Review Policy :)

Hey Authors/Publishers! Thanks for looking at my website! So, I'm guessing you are here to ask for me to review your book? If so, continue reading..........

                  If you want me to review your book: Please fill out my google form, so I can get back to you.
It should take me about a day or two since I check those docs very often. I post reviews where you like, most definitely on here, and if you like, Amazon,Goodreads,Barnes and Nobles or other sites.

                 Now, I have to tell you, I don't read much non-fiction or ancient books or too religion books or many very few romance books, so please don't be angry if I turn a book like that down. I love fiction, Paranormal YA books the most in a genre, mysterious, Mermaids and Fairies ( Obsession) well then books like that, I will most likely accept.
                 Do not take it the wrong way if I turn you down. It's most likely because I  have too many books to review, there shouldn't be another reason. I make all my reviews honest, and  base it on If the title is good, Was it confusing at times, can you relate, stuff like that, and it's an honest review, so please do not get hurt if I rate it 2 stars.

             If you have a time you want it done by, which in that case, I try to review it by 6 weeks but it depends, but if you do, let me know, and I can TRY to work it out, just note, I get crazy busy with reviews.

        I like Mobi. copies of books, PDF copies as well are fine. I won't turn down Hardcover/ Paperback but if you have those copies, it will be best for me. If you would like me to have an ARC Copy, please include that it is an ARC copy and when it will be published and when a suitable time for me to publish it would be.
                      Link to form

Claim It & Clear It Saying!!!

When I was reading this one book by author Jean Ann Duckworth and the saying was  ''Life of Simple Joy is not like baking a cake where you mix it up and enjoy it,it's a life long process'' Which I view is SUPER true!

Have You Heard About The Book '' The Forever Girl''?

So this one author that I interviewed named " Rebecca Hamilton'''s book '' The Forever Girl'' is already good, considering I'm on the second page, LOL. But no joke. I'm only 2 pages into the story and rate it 5/5 stars. :)

Interview with Rebecca Hamilton!

So I asked her and she said yes to the interview! Here we go..

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?
I starting writing "seriously" after my third child was born, so around the age of 23/24. I'm not sure I really count as an "author" yet.

Q2. When was your first book released?
January 2012!

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?
Yes. I have one other I have written but haven't revised, another I've written 75% of but put on hold, and I am currently working on the next book in The Forever Girl series. I also wrote a short novella, which was published in July 2012.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?
Absolutely! I wrote a couple short stories, but mostly I wrote poetry.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?
Not especially, though for some reason showers/baths give me all kinds of writing ideas!

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?
My first book took me 6 weeks to write and over 3 years to edit. Now I say it takes me about 6 months to write and 6-12 months to edit.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?
There is no way I could remember! It's a pretty big number. I've been reading since before I was old enough to remember learning how to read. I was reading before Is tarted kindergarten, and I read everything I could get my hands on (books, shampoo bottles, streets signs, you name it!). I've always loved reading.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?
My children inspire me every day!

Q9. Do you write everyday?
I wish! I am so busy that I often have to make time to write or it doesn't get done. I'm working on that, though.

Q10. How did you get your book published?
I published it myself through a small publishing house I founded with my partner, RP Krall. After that, I landed an agent. Who knows, maybe soon I'll be announcing some good news about an overseas publisher who has signed my book . . . .

Well thanks so much!! P.S. Your really pretty

Quote in Christine Rich's Book

So I like fell in love with this quote  ''The world is always darkest just before the dawn.” in the book ''Five'' by Christine Rich!!! <3 The Book So Far.  Me asking to the book''Will you Marry Me?''

100+ Views!

I just started and this page has 100 views!!!! Once it hits 500 be on the lookout for another giveaway!!! :))

Interview with J.Scott Sharp!!

So he got back to me on the Interview and so, here we go!!

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?

I don't remember not writing. I have been writing since I was very young. Although I have been writing things for that long, I never really did anything with it.Now at 46, I have lost my mind.  It's a strange time for me to begin a writing career, but I am loving it. I've always been an author.

Q2. When was your first book released?

I released my first short stories in November of 2011. I am currently working on a novel.

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?
Yes, more short stories. I have a short story called ''Three Blackbirds'' and one called ''Cold-Blooded''. Both are available on Amazon.

Q4. When you were younger, did you like to write?

I loved to write when I was younger.The first story I remember writing was a story about a headless  biker that was lopping off people's heads. My mind has always gone in that direction.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?
I always outline all of my stories. There are many authors that do not believe in outlining and I respect their process. I just believe that every writer organizes their story, and if you don't do it before you start, You'll defiantly do it later.  I prefer to know where I am going . I typically don't stick to the outline. The plot and characters will go in directions that I had not anticipated, like in '' Not Even There'', but I need to have a good direction to go in before that type of creativity starts to bubble up

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?
First drafts typically don't take me much time. Revision and Editing are two parts of writing that are necessary,but are the parts that I cannot stand. Those two take me longer than I wish they took.It takes me a while to get me into the editing mood.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?
I am always reading and I have been since I was very young.I have read over a thousand books in all genres.
I have a favorite genre that I like to write in, but not a favorite genre that I like to read in. I will read anything. I have even read, Danielle Steele, and believe that ''Thurston House'' is one of her best books. That and ''The Ring'' which is in my bookcase right now.

Q8. Do you have an author, person or even place that gives you inspiration?
My wife is a huge inspiration for me.She is not a writer.She does not understand the process, but she is always encouraging me. She is always telling me that I can do it! There are other authors that are an inspiration for me. S.M. Boyce is a fantastic encourager  and a great author. I love to talk to her about writing because she has great ideas. C.J. Listro is a great blogger and has a great blog called '' Sarcasm and Lemons''. She is also a fantastic writer and reminds me so much of Joyce Carol Oates when she turns a phrase. Last but not least, Brandon Luffman. He will not let me say that I am not a  competent writer. He always calls me on it.

Q9. Do you write everyday?
Lately, I have been writing everyday, I really want to get my novel done. It has been sitting in my head long enough. Everyday I sit down, and even with my outline, I don't have a clue where I am going to start, So I just start somewhere and I am absorbed in the story again. It is a miracle everyday

Q10. How did you get your book published?
I published through the assorted e-book avenues. I started with Smash Words than I published on Amazon

Well it was great having you!! I had to re-type this or it would have been out sooner. Thanks!! It really was inspiring!!! :) Happy Reading!
- Natasha

Happy Reading?

How is everyone? Are you having a fine time reading?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

John D Ayers

So currently, John D Ayers, Author of Mr. Darcy Parries Forth In Love said he would let me review his book AND do an interview!!! Be on the look out................

Sasha Summer's Interview!!

So I finally got to interview the Sweet Sasha!!! Here we go!

Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?
I’ve been writing since I was 18, seriously. I’d always love to tell stores, short stories, picture stories – you name it. But I was 18 when I finished my first novel. I’ve been writing ever since. I only attempted to publish last year and was lucky enough to have two of my books picked up by small press publishers.

Q2. When was your first book released?
April of 2012 – I’m a brand new published author

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?
YES. I have more books in both of my series: Loves of Olympus (Medusa is book one) and the Red Carpet Series. AND I have some YA I’d love to have published too. J

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?
Always. I kept a diary and a story journal and wrote every day.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?
I research if the book calls for it (like Medusa), I cut together a playlist, and a picture board for character/setting/tone inspiration.

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?
It takes anywhere from 4 – 8 months depending on which series I’m working on. J

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?
I don’t think I can answer that question! I read ALL the time. I loved to read all sorts of stories – romance, fantasy, comic books, anything I could get my hands on.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?
My stories kind of take on a life of their own – so I guess the stories are inspiration in themselves. At the same time, I have favorite books and movies and music that definitely helps with my creativity too!

Q9. Do you write everyday?
I try to! It’s hard, but important.

Q10:How did you get your book published?
I submitted Medusa to a small press that specialized in fantasy books and they loved it. I was pretty lucky to get the book picked up so quickly. J

Well thanks for letting me interview!!! Looking forward to having your book reviewed!!! Thanks! DONT FORGET TO ENTER OUR GIVEAWAY!!!!!:)

Sasha Summers!!! GIVEAWAY ALSO

So for those of you who don't know her, she is AWESOME!! She is nice and friendly also! She let me do an interview with her which should arrive shortly and is sending me her book '' Medusa: A Love Story'' and she offered to..... Giveaway something!!! So for anyone who comments, you will have a chance to win!!!! BUT FIRST. You must be following @SashaWrites on Twitter!! :) Happy Reading and please comment with your twitter handle!!!! :) Happy Reading!! - Natasha

PRIZE: Signed Book Plate

Ends once there are 3-5 comments!!!

My Interview with Christie Rich!

So I finally got my first interview and that was from author Christie Rich!!! Here are the Questions and Answers!!! Q1.When did you start writing? And when did you become an author?

I dabbled in writing when I was younger.  My aunt and I tried to write an historical romance based on an ancestor that started out great, but fizzled after a few chapters.  I guess that was my first “attempt”.

I actually went quite a few years without reading anything, and once I picked a book up again, I couldn’t stop.  I read everything I could get my hands on.  The more I read the more my mind focused on story and soon I had one of my very own!  I just didn’t know what to do with it.  One of my good friends had told me that she wanted to be a writer, so, of course, I tried to give her my story because I had no idea what to do with it.  She looked at me and said, “If you have a story, you need to write it.”  I took the challenge and my first book in the Elemental Enmity Series was born.

Q2. When was your first book released?
August 2011

Q3. Do you have more books that you have written?
I released Dark Matter (Elemental Enmity Book II)  December 2011, and then Genesis (Elemental Enmity Book III) July 2012.  I expect I will release Horizon, the last book in the series, in January 2013.

Q4. When you were younger did you like to write?
I actually grew up with dyslexia, so reading and writing was rather difficult for me.  I’ve been able to overcome most of the effects of dyslexia, but it sneaks up on me now and again J.

Q5. Is there a certain thing you do before writing your books?
I usually read a bit of what I have written last to refresh my memory.  I visualize the characters and remind myself what it is they want.  Then I go about making them work to get it.

Q6. How long did it take you to write a book?
That’s a hard question to answer.  Actually writing a book takes me about two to three months, but editing and revisions take about another three.

Q7.How many books have you read? And did you like to read when you were younger?
I’ve read hundreds of books now.  I loved stories when I was younger, but as I said, reading was hard for me, so I relied on my mom a lot to read to me.

Q8.Do you have another author or person or even place who/that  gives you inspiration?
Plenty of authors have inspired me.  Every time I read a J.K. Rowling book, I’m in awe.  I’ve recently discovered Julie Reece whose debut novel, Crux, was very impressive.  I just loved how I felt while reading it.

Q9. Do you write everyday?
I try.

Q10. When was your first book published?
August 2011

Thanks so much, Natasha, for having me here today!  Fun questions.  I’d love to hear from you. 

Christine Rich!!!

So I contacted Christine Rich via email and she gave me her book to review which is called ''Five''and also she agreed to do an interview with me!!! I will upload the Q and A once she finishes!!!!

The First Book in ''The Hunger Games'', By Suzanne Collins -Review!

                                                                                                                                      Color Coded:
Red = Beginning
Green = Rate
Light blue= beginning of Final Verdict
Pink = THE Final Verdict
Dark Blue= Sumarry

Hey guys! You should read The Hunger Games. It is a really great read. And it is a popular read. I rate it 5/5 stars. The Relationship with Peeta and Katniss had so much detail. And I felt like crying, the way they described Rue's Death! I saw the movie, It is a great movie! It came out around a week ago.

Final Verdict: It Is A Great Read, and I recommend it to everyone who has spare time, and loves SUSPENSE 

It's basically Prim get's picked to fight to the death but Katniss, her older sister, volunteers instead. For a boy tribute, Katniss's lover, Peeta is picked and they have to fight to the death. Katniss's mentor is a drunken mess, and Katniss is known as the girl on fire for being on fire actually, Katniss forms an alliance with Rue, to take down everyone else, and their signal is the mockingjay call. 




Hey guys! My name is Natasha and I LOVE reading! :). It makes me happy! I read popular books so I can tell you how they are before you get one!! If requests on a book please contact me!! Thank  you! Also,Happy Reading!!!
